
Hatenboer-Water offers a complete line of reliable, high-quality, cost-effective water conditioning products.

Hatenboer-Water offers a complete line of reliable, high-quality, cost-effective water conditioning products. Conditioning the water can vary considerably, from merely removing chlorine from tap water or altering the pH to preventing corrosion by rehardening or stabilizing the water. We supply products all dedicated to conditioning your water. Furthermore, you find membrane-related chemicals such as biodegradable antiscalants and cleaning chemical products to optimize the desalination process and minimize operational costs.

Our products, Water conditioning

HDN neutralising filters

Choose from a wide range of neutralising filters for the conditioning of water produced by desalination installations. Use these...

Potable water dosing units

The potable water dosing unit is designed to prevent and stop corrosion in potable water systems. Corrosion does not...

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