Water, essential for life
The importance of water to life is self-evident. However, water is also one of the major sources of infection, and the cause of many forms of illness. Bacteria, algae, and other micro-organisms can grow extremely quickly in water, and just like food, water deteriorates. The safety of drinking water aboard ships and rigs cannot be taken for granted. Drinking water treated with Hadex® remains fit for consumption.
Hadex® by Hatenboer-Water
- Hadex® drinking water disinfectant; available in 1, 2.5, 10, and 25-liter polycans.
- Hadex® dosing units; a wide range of dosing units.
Safe drinking water
- It has a very long shelf life: 18 months under normal conditions (T=25°C)
- 3 years if stored cool (T ≤6°C)
Hadex® dosing unit
Water Quality
Hatenboer-Water recommends that the water be tested periodically for bacteriological quality, especially in the case of new installations or when repairs have been carried out. Hatenboer-Water can arrange worldwide sampling, analysis and reporting, which is carried out according to official standards.
Contact the Water Quality Department for more details.
Highest standards
- It should swiftly destroy any harmful organisms and should remain active for a sufficiently long period.
- It should have no adverse effects on water quality and should not allow the water to become corrosive.
- It should be cost-effective per cubic meter of treated water.
- It should be simple to apply.
- It should be immediately and easily soluble in water.
Why use our Hadex®
- Hadex® is approved by DSI, DOT, NMD & other maritime authorities.
- Hadex® has top ratings in independent tests.
- Hadex® is safe, easy to use & immediately effective.
- Hadex® is specially intended to disinfect drinking water tanks and pipelines.
- Hadex® is available in packaging of 1, 2.5, 10, and 25 liters.
- Hadex® is cost-effective.
- Hadex® is easy to store with a long shelf life.
Hadex® has been tested and approved by a number of (maritime) authorities in the Netherlands and abroad, including:
- The Netherlands Dutch Ministry of Health (Ctgb registration No. 9574N).
- United Kingdom Health and Safety Executive.
- Norway Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH).
- Germany Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung, registration no. N-69753.
- Austria Bundesministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft (BMLFUW).
- Belgium FOD, registration no. 15917B.

Measure the amount of Hadex in your water
Hatenboer-Water offers a wide range of Waterlab test kits to measure the amount of active Hadex in your water. Read more
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