Safe Water on Board

As a vessel or rig owner or operator, you are responsible for the delivery of good (drinking) water quality at all tap points. In essence, the on-board water treatment systems form a small municipal water treatment plant with all the responsibilities and required knowledge to operate it.

At Hatenboer-Water, we understand that this is not your core business. It is, however, ours! Hatenboer-Water can deliver a complete water treatment and distribution plant on board of your ship, vessel, or rig. All individual treatment equipment is perfectly suitable for its intended use on board a vessel or rig. When combined with proper management and maintenance, regular testing, global assistance and advice, and supplemented with more than a century of knowledge, they form an integrated holistic approach to water safety on board. This concept we call Safe Water on Board.

Our decades of experience on board vessels have made us understand that maintaining safe water requires more than just technical equipment; it demands a comprehensive approach encompassing procedures, services, and knowledge.

At Hatenboer-Water, we believe that all treatment and distribution equipment should form an integrated system delivering water according to international rules and guidelines. Our scope of supply meets all the requirements stated in these guidelines, enabling us to create water on board that is safe to use and complies with the applicable regulations. While establishing this, we relieve you from the intensive research needed to not only match all separate components required but also maintain the entire system in such a condition that it supplies safe water during the lifespan of the vessel or rig. Hatenboer-Water provides you with the roadmap to safe water on board.

Maritime (Drinking) Water Flow Chart

Hatenboer-Water created the maritime (drinking) water flow chart to give you some more understanding of all steps to be considered for a reliable design and maintenance of your water production, storage, and distribution layout. In other words, how to create Safe Water on Board. Our installed base of thousands of operating water systems gives us a thorough understanding of water flows, applicable regulations, and the influences from outside that might influence your water quality.

Flow Diagram Ship V1.3

Our product categories


At Hatenboer-Water, you will find a wide range of disinfection technologies. Our disinfection technologies: Hadex® drinkwater desinfectant and Demitec...

Hot and cold water

Hatenboer-Water can provide your complete cold drinking water and hot water supply on board. From production to tap point.

Point-of-Use Filtration

Hatenboer-Water recognizes the importance of providing freely accessible water on board in compliance with the MLC 2006. Our point-of-use...

Reverse Osmosis desalination

Safe drinking water on board your vessel without using your main engine!. Produce safe drinking water through desalination of...

Spare Parts & Consumables

Hatenboer-Water offers a wide range of technologies for our desalination watermakers, along with all the associated spare parts and...

Water conditioning

Hatenboer-Water offers a complete line of reliable, high quality, cost effective water conditioning products.

Waterlab Test Kits

Hand held testing equipment for water quality assurance.

Water delivery, by Hatenboer-Neptunus

Hand held testing equipment for water quality assurance.

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