Our reference projects

Reduction hidden costs to zero
As their company name clearly indicates: Boers & Co Precisions Solutions has to control the entire chain of production. For...
Demineralized water for irrigation of cannabis cultivation
Cann Group is the first company to be issued with a Medicinal Cannabis Licence and Cannabis Research Licence by the...
Legionella control
Clean and safe drinking water is essential but not guaranteed. Many bacteria can form in clean drinking water, including Legionella....
Damen Naval signs new contract with Dutch supplier for Anti-Submarine Warfare frigates
Damen Naval will partner with Hatenboer-Water on all freshwater systems on board the four Anti-Submarine Warfare Frigates (ASWF) that Damen...
RO Fresh Water Generator – Havfram
Hatenboer Water provides cold and hot water facilities, as well as disinfection equipment for the OFFSHORE WINDFARM CONSTRUCTION VESSEL.
RO Fresh Water Generator – Vertom
Hatenboer Water supplies a Thethys Standard RO Fresh water Generator with a capacity of 6m3/d to Vertom’s vessel: Annette, engaged...
RO Fresh Water Generator – Fred Olsen
Hatenboer Water supplies an Oceanus Two-pass RO Fresh Water Generator system with a capacity of 20m3/24hr for – Fred Olsen...
RO Fresh Water Generator – Rederij Tasman
Hatenboer Water supplies a Tethys Standard RO freshwater generator with a capacity of 6m³/d to Rederij Tasman for the ship...
Plastic Free @Sea – John T Essberger
Hatenboer-Water joined forces with Hamburg based shipping company John T Essberger to eliminate the use of plastic water bottles on...
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