Worldwide support & service on- and offshore
Our globally operating offices and professionals provide comprehensive support and advice in the field of water quality, commissioning, inspections, and training.
Need assistence?
Our offices in Rotterdam, Singapore, Dubai and Houston and globally operating support and consultancy professionals are happy to assist you with water quality issues, (pre) commissioning or re-commisioning, surveys, midlife updates and conservation or chemical cleaning advice. Rely on their extensive knowledge and experience; they are experienced in handling support issues in all kinds of environments. In addition, they can train and assist your crew at your site in order to help you achieve optimal operation and maintenance conditions.
Our international support and consultancy services related to water quality include water safety risk analyses, sampling, water analyses and training.
Which expertise does our support team offer?
Our maintenance experts know the ins and outs of all equipment for production, disinfection, filtration or distribution, hot or cold water and the RO unit itself. They will provide you with an advice tailored to your specific needs and circumstances. Even when they are not stationed in your vicinity when you need support, our experienced staff can support you remotely by analyzing your log sheet data together with you and advise you on the required course of action.
Our offices, our distributors and our agents
How can we help?
Whether you need information, advice, a quote or have any other question, we’re here to help.
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